Monday, August 21, 2017

First Day short and sweet...

I only have four classes and an advisory this year, I got a little help on the schedule as I took on other responsibilities. So not having students until almost 10:30 was a different experience for me. 

The first assignment was to “draw America at its inception”. An activity I picked up from Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s book An Indigenous people's history of the United States. I was very impressed with My first class’s response. with few exceptions most students caught the instructions and attempted to draw the 13 colonies. My other blocks not so much. It provided for some fun discussion and brought Home a critical point of historical study, “what happened before matters”. This is an exercise in unconscious buas and erasure. The America you and I know did not come into its physical borders until the very end of the 19th Century. Its easy for us to miss all that came before if we don’t make an effort to see what we aren’t shown. 

The exercise also provides the perfect jumping off point for My focus of Historical study… “How far back do you want to go?” This question has to be addressed before any valuable historical study can take place. In the US History course I teach there are clear beginnings and endings of events but there was always something before that event. And something before that. That isn’t to say you just perilously Fall down the wormhole of time and history, but understanding what was before, and acknowledging all elements of a culture’s history not only begin, but are usually a continuation of some other process or situation. 

Four classes one eclipse, one advisory, and one dismissal later, day one is in the books. I’ve got some wonderful students this year and I am excited to see what They can do and what they will accomplish. 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

And so it begins...

More times than not my birthday falls on some official school event, either the first day or reporting day, or meet the teacher night... It's always Something. I got lucky this year as it fell on a weekend. But regardless of when it falls, I always associate it with the start of school. My profession makes that much easier... full disclosure, this started as a fb post and has turned into a blog entry. It just got wordy and it that anyone reads it here but the never ending fb posts are somewhat annoying and I don't want to be annoying on my birthday. So I'll just continue and start with what's happened? 

Since my last birthday I graduated with my Master's, I've taken on several new responsibilities at my school. Began teaching a different course. Traveled to LA, Israel, Washington DC, And Boston. I've strengthened friendships, and have lost some friends. The loss hurts but the memories are still good. I've reconnected with a few old friends and met several new people. There are so many positive memories and events I cannot begin to list them all. My kids have grown so much and I'm so proud to be called their father. My family had helped me in so many ways and I'm so thankful and greatful for who I have in my life now. 

I'm excited for this school year as I mentioned yesterday (two days in a row!!! I KNOW!) we have a new principal and assistant principal. And since I taught 8th grade only last year I don't know any of these kids really... so it'll be an adventure in so many ways. I like that my birthday coincides with school. I used to hate it but for me it is the beginning point. I have these students for a year. Really less than that. But right around my birthday every year I get to begin a journey with a new group of students. I like that. 

This year did not turn out the way I thought, at all, and I've even been able to surprise myself once in a while. I love the statement "I didn't end up where I thought I would, but I think I ended up right where I need to be." Thanks all for the birthday wishes and here's to another great school year...