Between stories of teachers not getting a raise and how rich teachers are in neighboring states the topic of career movement is something every teacher in Oklahoma has to deal with.
Totally unrelated but on the topic of them moving careers, Oklahoma’s highest paid public employee, Bob Stoops retired. I'm sure most people care more about that than the fact that I'm staying but being that my family and friends are here I don't see myself going anywhere soon. I'm from a family of teachers and just finished my 10th year with Tulsa Public schools. I absolutely love my job my students, my building, my coworkers, my administration, and I don't want to leave. I mean maybe I told myself I don't want to because I can't either way I'll be here next year.
And before we all get on the “Oklahoma cares more about football than education”... I really don’t care if it's true or not (It’s not a new phenomenon either way) but please stop interlinking the two. It’s zero-sum at its worst. It is possible for people to care and be engaged in multiple things at once. It is frustrating to know that, yeah, some people do care a lot more about a coach for a team they will never be a part of than their children’s teacher but you’re not helping with the sanctimony.
But back to me and my people. Let me begin by making it crystal clear, there absolutely needs to be focus on teacher pay. It is embarrassing. I knew what it was when I started and I have worked multiple jobs on top of teaching to make ends meet. I also have ambitions to do more within the profession of education. I also have nothing against a teacher leaving for better pay and conditions. Like I said, maybe I would be too if my situation was different. But it’s not, so Oklahoma is my reality.
I never bought into the animosity and hatred for Kevin Durant leaving. First, it brought out the worst in people and looked incredibly racist and hateful. Also, because, like I said before I would leave to (as would most everyone) and I'm not begrudging any teacher for leaving to make more money.
But what I've been thinking lately is we still need people here too. The kids aren’t going anywhere (until they graduate and can leave). And while I'm in no position to ask anybody to make that sacrifice something has to be said for those not leaving, and the help we will need while we are still here.
To go back to the Bob stoops story Rob Miller, on the local level, along with Key and Peele, on the national level, have shown where many of us think the prestige and praise teachers should really receive. Maybe the hyperbole is a bit too much.
The rebuttal is to channel James Caan from The Program
“Yeah, but when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a damn chemistry experiment?”
Sick burn huh… I mean I don’t know about that, but I’ve seen Dr’s offices and Er’s about as full as stadiums waiting for those doctors. And as always behind that are the teachers. But I digress…
Let’s frame it a better way, Perhaps a better way of looking at our profession would be this sentiment.
I think it's a better answer to the problem I just don't know how to make that a reality. And before I fully contradict myself my job isn't mission work and schools aren't charities. But doctors without borders hasn't diminished the profession of medicine…
We need to be paid better here and continue to fight for that but in the meantime the kids will still be here next year and the year after…. And they, I, and everyone else who stays could use some allies and some assistance.
I wrote after the election we have to talk to one another. We have to meet people where they are and get them to where they want to be… then they will get to where they need to be. It's not in humans to hate… we have to be taught it, I really believe that.
I have changed the minds and perspectives of several of my close friends And they have changed mine. I've often joked of how long and draining of a process it can be. I totally understand not wanting to do that. But it might make us better humans.. It can be hard to forge new relationships and it is so much easier to just sit in our own camp, but that’s not going to help anyone.
So to those on their way out. Go rock (insert state here)’s world. Show them what we've been doing here in Oklahoma. Share the stories. Tell the jokes and yes explain some of these people are real, like this guy, and this guy. This happened, and this. And yeah, he’s our's . But please for the love of god do not kick the dust off your heels and relegate this space to “that red flyover country”. Many are still here, like her, and her, not to mention the thousands of us #oklaed-ers still here, as well as the students.